Product photography V2.0
Product photography
Product photography is at the heart of our company. For more than 20 years we have been creating product photos for many companies. Many of our customers have become regular customers for years.
We do photoshoots in our own studio as well as on site at our customers. If we work on site, we will take our own equipment with us and install a temporary studio in the space we have available.
We capture large and small products. Both with daylight lamps and with flash, depending on the type of product.
We specialize in capturing technical products. We have a great affinity for technology ourselves, and we believe that having a love for a particular product type radiates on the quality of the photography.
We work with 50 Megapixel SLR cameras, resulting in extremely detailed pictures that do justice even the most complex objects.
360° (x 90°) product photography
Besides conventional product photography, we have specialized ourselves in creating 360° and even 360°x90° product presentations.
For that purpose we have developped our own automated turntables that we produce and sell on this website.
A 360° presentation is an interactive way of presenting your product from all sides in full resolution on the web. This enhances the potential buyer’s experience with the product, resulting in more conversion.
Because we develop our own equipment and therefore have specialized knowledge in the field of 360° product photography, we love to share our knowledge during workshops in our studio or at your place of choice.
We explain the workings of our turntables and its user interface and show you the ideal and super optimized workflow for the creation of 360° presentations.
Of course, digital image editing is part of our workshop and we show you how to refrain from too much repetitive work.
Of course we also love to do workshops for the beginning photographer.
Just contact us and we can inform you on all the different workshop options that we have to offer.

Our studio
Our studio consists of a space of 190 m2. We have set up three different types of turntables in our studio, in two different size ranges (max. 3 meter and max. 1 meter).
One of our turntables is specially build for 360°x90° photography.
Furthermore we have a white cabine of 7x5x3 meters that is the standard set up for our largest (3 meter) turntable. This cabine enables us to do even the toughest kinds of photography, such as white on white and objects with fully reflective surfaces.
In this diffusely lighted cabine your product will be optimally lighted from every angle.
Our turntables can handle objects ranging from very tiny to very large. The largest object we can handle is 2.7 x 2.7 x 2.5 meters wide. (LxWxH).
Specifications of our turntables:
- VR1m – 1 meter diameter (360°), max. 100 kg load.
- VR3m – 3 meter diameter (360°), max 2200 kg load.
- VRobot – 0.8 meter diameter (360° x 90°), max 50 kg load.
Custom Builds
We are often involved in designing new photo studios for our clients. In most cases we can contribute by supplying custom build solutions that optimize the use of a studio or makes working with a certain setup easier and faster.
We even go as far as to automate certain steps of the process if desired.
We often build solutions where one of our our turntables has been built into a compact tabletop studio. Sometime this tabletop setup is even enhanced with a linear rails system that acts as a tripod system with preset positions.
We love to co-brainstorm with you on new challenging projects, so do not hesitate to contact us when you are in need of some out-of-the-box ideas.
No Copyright!
There are many types of product photography. The most common is the one that shows an object on a white background.
In The Netherlands some judge at one time has decided that copyright laws are not applicable for pictures of objects on a white background (!)
Probably he decided on this in order to avoid situations in which the photographer could revoke his permission to use his pictures of products that were used in a webshop of a customer of the photographer. This could result in a sudden bankruptcy of that company, because they would then no longer be able to use any picture in their webshop and basically could not sell any product anymore. This is of course undesirable and is a good example of why copyright is wrong at large.
Whatever a judge has decided, we would have given up copyright on all our pictures anyway, because we think the world would be a better place without it.
Product photography V2.0 is:
• Product photography in our own studiostudio (including 360° and 360°x90° interactive product photography).
• Product photography on site (at our customer’s location).
• Designing photo studios for our customers (including 360° and 360°x90° setups).
• Developing soft- and hardware for the automation / optimization of a photo studio and creating custom build solutions in general.
• Workshops on photography / product photography / 360° product photography / image editing (Capture One Pro / Photoshop / Affinity Photo).
• No copyright! What we do for you, is yours!